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- Learn the methodology to deliver programs that are increasing your revenue by between $250,000 to $500,000 per yearto your practice.
- Uncover how to build over 15,000 followerson your social media, a database of ideal clients and a lead generation plan to grow your business.
- Achieve at least 3200 on your databaseof ideal clients and an open rate of 40%. This is the ideal number to grow your practice with full momentum.
- Identify your Unique Value Propositionto position and market your expertise effectively.
- Have a powerful social media strategyto be your Industry Influencer.
- Level up your branding with newlogo, identity and style guide for your practice.
- Identify how to market yourself to speak at eventsin front of your ideal clients and sell from the stage.
- Be positioned as a respected expert in your fieldto increase leads, work with your ideal clients and deliver the programs you want to deliver rather than those you feel like you need to pay the bills.
- Amplify your profileto create security for your own business and access new revenue streams.
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- Learn the methodology to deliver programs that are increasing your revenue by between $250,000 to $500,000 per yearto your practice.
- Uncover how to build over 15,000 followerson your social media, a database of ideal clients and a lead generation plan to grow your business.
- Achieve at least 3200 on your databaseof ideal clients and an open rate of 40%. This is the ideal number to grow your practice with full momentum.
- Identify your Unique Value Propositionto position and market your expertise effectively.
- Have a powerful social media strategyto be your Industry Influencer.
- Level up your branding with newlogo, identity and style guide for your practice.
- Identify how to market yourself to speak at eventsin front of your ideal clients and sell from the stage.
- Be positioned as a respected expert in your fieldto increase leads, work with your ideal clients and deliver the programs you want to deliver rather than those you feel like you need to pay the bills.
- Amplify your profileto create security for your own business and access new revenue streams.